3 Myths About Root Canals

3 Myths About Root Canals


If you ask your friends or family about root canals, you may receive surprising responses. They may have heard negative information about the procedure, and you may be worried about getting a root canal.

Fortunately, today's root canals are comfortable, pain-relieving procedures that can clear infections and preserve your natural tooth for many years of use.This blog will share three of the most prevalent myths about root canals and debunk them with facts.

Myth #1: Root canals are painful.

Fact: Root canals relieve pain and do not cause it.

Many people hold the mistaken belief that root canals are painful. Today, advances in anesthesia and root canal techniques mean the process is no more uncomfortable than getting a large filling.

Myth #2: Root canals cause illness.

Fact: Root canals prevent the development of systemic infections.

This misconception comes from disproven, century-old research before the modern medical era. Certain medical professionals today promote this dangerous myth, but dental professionals reassure patients that root canals treat, rather than cause, an illness that can result from a tooth infection.

Myth #3: Extracting a tooth is better than a root canal.

Fact: Root canals preserve the tooth's natural root system and help avoid costly restorations.

Extracting a tooth means removing the natural root system. When the root is gone, the teeth will begin to drift out of position and could cause gum disease and tooth decay. Preventing this problem means paying for a costly tooth restoration like an implant, bridge, or denture. Root canals may seem expensive, but they are an excellent value compared to the cost of an implant or bridge.

Symptoms that Indicate the Need for a Root Canal

You may have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Severe tooth pain, especially when biting down
  • Pimples or swelling on the gums
  • Fever, chills, or feeling unwell
  • Broken or decayed tooth
  • Tender, swollen gums
  • Gray or black discolored tooth
  • Hot and cold sensitivity that persists after removing the food or drink
  • Indicated by dental imaging (not all teeth needing root canals exhibit painful symptoms)

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canals

How long does a root canal take?

Most root canals take between 45 minutes and one hour. The procedure could take longer based on the complexity of the root anatomy.

How does a dentist restore a tooth after a root canal?

You can receive a filling or crown to complete your root canal. Crowns on root canal-treated teeth last longer and produce better outcomes.

Call Dr. Todd Paczewski

Don't wait for a dental appointment if you have tooth pain or any of the symptoms mentioned above. Delaying a root canal can increase the chance of complications like tooth loss. Please call Dr. Todd Paczewski at 570-287-2500 to schedule a consultation and start your journey toward a healthier smile.